Friday, September 24, 2010

I like the smell of feet

Its 1800 hours and I believe we just passed by a gang of Chippendale dancers.  Today I have seen a woman with a mustache, a man in a tutu and I believe a chicken may or may not have challenged Randy to a duel. Randy started off the day and made incredible time despite his hamstring injury, Lindsey was terrific and managed to run up one of the largest hills I have seen, Paul did the longest run of the first leg and the hardest, conquering a mountain and acting as a  bug zapper along the way. Stacey and Kendra demolished the anticipated time for their legs! The first leg made me questions my life choices and there may have been some cursing around certain bends, especially around the 5 mile mark.  The team was absolutely incredible and waiting with water and support just when I didnt think I could go further! I finished the race and literally slapped the bracelets onto Bryan (sorry bryan!) and ate the most delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich of my life!



1 comment:

  1. Now it's beginning to sound more like a carfax event -and the team carfax I know and love!!! Great job everyone! Good luck, be safe and have fun!
